Chiapas 2010 Octobre Método del Estudio de La Biblia

Chiapas 2010 Octobre Método del Estudio de La Biblia

Notapor richardhcpark » Mié Oct 06, 2010 7:40 am

Este es contenido de mi curso lector para mi enseñanza en Octobre 2010.
Tambien mi conferencia especial espanol y ingles(abajo) para ti.
se puede descargar de conferencias en español.


Conferencia Especial: Enseñador o Partera de la Enseñanza Biblica:
Argumentativo y Heuristico 1
por Dr. Ricardo Park, Ph.D

Parte I.
1. Cómo Estudiar e Interpretar la Biblia/R. C. Sproul 6
La Cultura y la Biblia/El condicionamiento cultural y la Biblia/
El principio y la costumbre
2. Cómo estudiar la Biblia/ James Braga 14
El enfoque cultural
3. Enseñando para Cambiar Vidas / Howard Hendricks 20
(Seminario Teologico de Dallas, Texas)
Manual para el Facilitador

Parte II.
4. Manual de enseñanza bíblíca/ Juan Antonio Vásquez 27
Cómo enseñaba Jesús 27
Métodos de Enseñanza 32
5. El Estudio creativo de la Biblia/ Harvestime International Institute
1.Estudiando La Biblia Por La Biblia 39
2.Estudio Devocional de la Biblia 49
3.Estudio de Libros 61
4. Estudio de Capítulos 70
5. Estudio de Párrafos 80

Parte III.
6. Estudio de Versículos 90
7. Estudio Palabras 95
8. Estudio Tópico de la Biblia 105
9. Estudio Biográfico 111
10. El Método Teológico 120
11. Estudiando la Poesía de la Biblia 131
12. Estudiando La Profecía de la Biblia 138
13. El Método Tipológico 154
14. Apéndice:Métodos Adicionales 163

Parte IV.
6. Como Estudiar y Enseñar la Biblia/ Adolfo Gómez Sánchez 167
1. Metodos de Interpretacion/Hermeneutica 168
2.Reglas del Proceso Hermeneutico 174
3.Métodos para Estudio Personal de la Biblia 180
7. 1. Doce Modos para Leer la Biblia en grupos 192
Meditación Bíblica en Grupo 192
Ficha de Lectura 196
2. Cinco Mitos Sober Los Groupos Pequeños/ David A. Womack 198
3. Cómo Enseñar La Biblia a los Niños/ Paulina de Williams 203
4. Cómo enseñar la Biblia a los niños 204
5. La Enseñanza de los Adultos 209
6. Dirigiendo Estudios Bíblicos: Grupos Pequeños 213
7. Metodología de Enseñanza 216
8. Método de Estudio Inductivo 221

Special Lecture

Teacher or Midwife in the Biblical Teaching:Argumentative and Heuristic Method

Dr. Richard Park, Ph.D

Goal of Bible Study:
God is alive! God is not dead! God is still speaking to His people. Then how does God speaks to his people? God loves his people whoever they are and wherever they are. God wants to save his people and comforts his people. These days the communication between God and his people seems broken. As pastors we should reinvigorate this broken gap between God and his people. The Bible is stories and sayings where God has met his people, and it continues today. Encounter between God and sinner continues today and should be continued. Besides preaching, bible teaching is another important means for this purpose. First of all, all God’s people should study and meditate the Bible being ready to listen from God who still speaks through bible to us. Personal bible study is very important basically for both pastors and lay people. When God’s people hear the voice of God, message of God, they are empowered to change the world or comfort the broken world. Revelation is come from bible directly or indirectly. Especially outside of church and pulpit, still the word of God should be respected at home and office etc. as the word of God.

My goal of this lecture is help students to study bible personally first even though they are pastors. And share with other lay peoples of how to study bible personally for our own spiritual nurture and maturity. And then my next goal is for students in this class to help them to teach bible in the church of outside church as small groups. And further through this class I aim my students to teach other lay leaders to teach and run their own small groups effectively so that we can see the word of God growing, blossoming without boundary.

Two Methods of Bible Teaching: Argumentative o Heuristic:
Traditionally pastors only know argumentative method of preaching and bible teaching. This logical method of preaching and teaching is important when people need to learn from pastor, and also when pastor needs to teach something that people doesn’t know. This method is logical to argue. It has introduction and body and conclusion and this has many points to argument or persuade and it is proved by proof like illustration and other bible passages. Pastor has his own main point of thought to teach before he starts to preach or teach. And he teaches to persuade his found truth to people using argument and proof. This is known as method of teachers in school when they teach. To my understanding most of Latin American pastors including Mexican pastors only know this method of preaching and teaching. Last year I taught contemporary homiletic other than argumentative method, called New Homiletic. Now this semester I like to teach sort of same kind of New Bible Study method called Heuristic method. If argumentative method is done by teacher, this heuristic method is done by midwife. Giving a birth is done by woman herself. She needs help of midwife but the role of midwife is only help. Midwife doesn’t give a birth. Pregnant woman has her own baby in her womb. This is taught by Plato and his dialog Meno: Can we teach truth? This is important question. Sometimes or often times can we teach truth? Yes! But no!

Truth exists not only outside but also inside of hearers. Listeners should find their own meaning of truth for their own lives. Well, truth is not something objectively existing. Truth to every individual is existential truth. There is absolute truth like Jesus Christ as our Savior and his incarnation and his resurrection, but truth for individual for their own lives should be found by themselves. “Ah, this is the word to me from God!” What I read in this class is mostly written by traditional way of teaching. So I encourage my students to develop more creative method of bible teaching where people can find their own truth and meaning by their active participation to bible study group. Let them read the bible, let them meditate, let them share what they feel and find, let them listen from others until they can find their own truth and meaning in their own existential situation. Sometimes teaching of pastor has not to do with audience’s life situation. It is too far away from audience’s context. Audience’s context is where audience listens and accepts the word of God.

Preaching and Bible Teaching for Church Growth:
Powerful bible teaching besides powerful preaching makes church grow. In preaching audience are passive. They have to listen passively but in the bible study they can participate and express their feelings and thoughts with the word of God. This attracts people to bible study group. Strong bible study groups in the church enable church growth. This can be done by pastor and lay leaders. Pastor should train lay leaders of small bible study group. And they can meet their own home in the evening with small group. This group not only teach bible but also they can share their lives, their problems, and their prayers. They can sing, they can pray together besides bible study. But mainly bible study constructs main function of small groups. This is another kind of discipleship. Make disciple as Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:20). This is new commandment of Jesus Christ our Lord before he returned to heaven. We should obey to this new commandment. By bible teaching we can more effectively make disciples of Jesus. By small group people can be invited comfortably before they come to church on Sunday. Also people can be checked their faith and growth in the small group where they can be asked and answered, and shared their faith journey with other fellow Christians. Bible teaching in small groups is the most important factor of church growth. Pastor can teach in the church before service or after service, or pastor can teach in one of small group but as church grows, pastor can’t teach in all groups, and then he needs lay ministers or lay leaders who can guide and teach and facilitate small groups at home. So pastor should know how to train lay leaders to study bible and teach bible. This course aims to help this purpose. Teach them to teach!

Make Bible Study Material Creatively:
I introduce many methods in this course but this is not all pastor or lay leaders can use. All these methods were made by others, and then we can make our own methods creatively too. Why not? I strongly encourage my students in this class to create their own bible teaching method that fits their own church situation, after they learn with me in this course. They can imitate! Why not? They can mix together or several. Why not? They can twist little bit from one method. Why not? Or they can really create their own unique bible study method, using all basic principle of bible teaching methods from this class. Don’t be slave of methods that other people made. Be authentic and creative and organic in this bible teaching ministry. Ask Holy Spirit of freedom and creation.

Problem of Interpretation: Hermeneutic
When we study and teach the bible we face difficulty of interpretation of bible. How can we interpret the bible? First of all, we should remember the most important thing about bible: The author of bible is not humans but originally Holy Spirit. We don’t need to ask help ancient human writers of bible to understand better. Of course it can help when we read commentaries written by other peoples that explain the true meaning but remember still it is their own interpretation from their own perspective and situation. It is not absolute answer to us. However, Holy Spirit is alive here with us who wrote the bible. Holy Spirit can help us to find better understanding. So we need pray to ask better interpretation to God and Holy Spirit, leaving our own presupposition of thoughts.
Second, bible interprets bible. Rather than going to other human books and authors and their opinion, we rather go to other books of bible and whole bible to interpret difficult texts. Third, bible text is ancient text written in a long time ago that is so much different from our context and culture. Bible text was revealed to ancient God’s people as the word of God to their context and culture. And then likewise, bible should tell us with our context and culture. Sometimes we are confused with truth and culture. Culture can be different not as absolute, while truth is absolute. Fourth, we can use those methods of interpretation of hermeneutics as it helps us, but not as slave of one theory. Fifth, God’s truth is communitarian so when we can’t find its meaning by ourselves we need to hear from other fellow Christians and their understanding and revelations given to them from God.

Let people meet Jesus through Bible as Wherever They Are:
Bible study and teach should be legalistic but should be full of grace and love and healing and comfort. Let it be like that. Let the bible study be invitation to the cross and grace. Let people enjoy it. Don’t judge people. Don’t make bible study as another judgmental teaching that dispels people away. Let people meet Jesus through bible as wherever they are. Let the bible study and small group as welcoming door to nonbeliever or atheists or prodigal son. Make some room of grace where every sinner can return in the small group bible study. They lost their way in the violent waves of life and world. Let them find their lighthouse from bible study meeting. This is what I aim through my teaching here in Ocosingo, Chiapas, Mexico.

God bless you all!
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