Ensayo: Homilética contemporánea nuevos alemán

Ensayo: Homilética contemporánea nuevos alemán

Notapor richardhcpark » Dom Sep 19, 2010 7:12 pm

Yo escribí el artículo sobre homilética contemporánea nuevos alemán.
Esto está escrito en Inglés, pero todas las citas son el alemán.
A través de este ensayo se puede entender homilética movimiento contemporáneo alemán.
Mis fuentes principales fueron cinco profesores alemanes homilética y sus escritos.
Ernst Lange es como el padre del movimiento alemán de Nueva Homilético y
fue profesor de homilética de la Universidad de Berlín. También Manfred Josuttis,
profesor de Gotinga, Gert Otto, profesor de la Universidad de Mainz Homilético,
y actual profesor de homilética de la Universidad de Berlín Wilhelm Graeb y profesor
de homilética de Muenster, Wilfried Engemann.
Espero que pueda conseguir la ventaja de este ensayo!

Sketch of Contemporary German New Homiletic

Introduction 1

1. Problem of Preaching
1.1. Ernst Lange
1.1.1. Pluralistic Change of Society
1.1.2. Monological and Authoritative Preaching
1.1.3. Irrelevant and Abstract Preaching 2
1.1.4. Exclusion and Alienation of Hear from Preaching
1.1.5. Proclamation instead of Communication of Gospel 3
1.2. Manfred Josuttis
1.2.1. Preaching as Speech from over-Divination
1.2.2. Problem of Argumentative Topical Preaching 4
1.3. Gert Otto 5
1.3.1. Monological and Authoritarian Preaching: Rhetorical Problem
1.3.2. Problem of Revelation: Communitarian Truth 6
1.3.3. Problem of Deus Absconditus
1.4. Wilhelm Gräb 7
1.4.1. Problem of Religious Feeling: Stimmigkeit nicht Dogmatik
1.4.2. Disagreement with Rudolf Bohren’s Homiletic 8
1.5. Wilfried Engemann and Einführung in die Homiletik 9

2. Rediscovery of Hearer 11
2.1. Ernst Lange
2.1.1. Relevance and Current Situation of Hearer
2.1.2. Insufficient only with the Bible
2.2. Manfred Josuttis 12
2.2.1. Hearers in Augustine and Cicero
2.3. Gert Otto 13
2.3.1. Hearer as Active Creator of Truth
2.4. Wilhelm Gräb 14
2.4.1. Hearer as Dialog-Partner

3. Problem of Text 15
3.1. Ernst Lange
3.1.1. Problem of Decided Text and Specific Situation
3.1.2. Insufficiency only with Text
3.1.3. Past Tense of Text and Hic et Nunc 16
3.1.4. Existential Meaning of Text
3.1.5. Preacher as Witness 17
3.1.6. Text as Witness 18
3.2. Wilhelm Gräb
3.2.1. Text Under the Hearer

4. Rhetoric and Homiletic 20
4.1. Ernst Lange
4.1.1. Return to First Rhetorical Canon: Invention
4.1.2. Process as Open-ended Semiotic Homiletic 21
4.1.3. Return to Pathos from Logos 22
4.2. Manfred Josuttis 23
4.2.1. Fundamental Meaning of Rhetoric to Homiletic
4.2.2. Togetherness of Homiletic and Rhetoric
4.3. Gert Otto 24
4.3.1. Walter Jens and Necessity of Rhetoric for Homiletic
4.3.2. Schleiermacher’s Rhetoric and Homiletic in Otto 25
4.3.3. Problem of Schleiermacher on Definition of Rhetoric
4.3.4. Herder’s Preachers’ Personality in Otto 26
4.3.5. Rhetoric of Culture in Otto
4.4. Wilhelm Gräb 27
4.4.1. Relative Truth of Rhetoric
4.4.2. Open-ended Semiotics for Inter-religious dialogue in Gräb

5. Homiletic Situation 28
5.1. Ernst Lange
5.1.1. Triangle of Homiletic Situation
5.1.2. Rhetorical Situation of Bitzer 29

6. Form and Content 30
6.1. Manfred Josuttis
6.1.1. The Unity of Form and Content in Text and Sermon
6.2. Gert Otto
6.2.1. The Unity of Truth and Its Expression
6.3. Wilfried Engemann 31
6.3.1. Friedrich Niebergall and Organic Unity of Forma and Content

7. Art of Preaching
7.1. Ernst Lange
7.1.1. New Word for Hearers
7.1.2. New Text and New Theme for Preaching: Hearer 32
7.2. Wilhelm Gräb
7.2.1. Sitz im Leben and Symbol

Conclusion 33
Bibiography 34


Ernst Lange, Zur Theorie und Praxis der Predigtarbeit, Predigtstudien,
Behiheft 1, Herausge-geben von Ernst Lange in Verbindung mit Peter
Krushe und Dietrich Rössler, Berlin, 1967
_________, Predigen als Beruf, Keruz Verlag, Berlin, “Zur Aufgabe
christliche Rede“, 1976
Manfred Josuttis, Homiletic und Rhetoric, Rhetorick und Theologie in der
Predigtarbeit, Homiletische Studien, Chr.Kaiser,1985
Gert Otto, Predigt als rhetorische Aufgabe, Homiletische Perspektiven,
Neukirchener Verlag, 1987
Wilhelm Gräb, Gottesdienstliche Predigt als religiöse Sinndeutung, in: ders.,
Lebensgeschichten-Lebensentwürfe-Sinnduetungen. Eine Praktische
Theologie gelebter Religion. Gütersloh, 1998
Wilfried Engemann, Einführung in die Homiletik, A.Francke, UTB, Tübingen,
Bitzer, Lloyd F. The Rhetorical Situation. Contemporary Rhetorical Reader:
A Reader. Ed. John Louis Lucaites, Celeste Michelle Condit, and Sally
Caudill. New York: The Guilford Press, 1999
Jeffrey Bullock, Preaching With a Cupped Ear: Hans-Georg Gadamer's
Philosophical Hermeneutics As Postmodern Wor(L)D, Peter Lang, 1999
Richard Park, Organic Homiletic: Samuel T. Coleridge, Henry G. Davis and
the New Homiletic, Peter Lang, 2006
Richard Park, The Deus Absconditus in Luther, Derrida and Augustine,
Rhetoric and Literature under Roman Empire, University of California,
Berkeley. 2002
Richard Park, Cicero’s Orator and Augustine’s De Doctrina Christiana 4,
University of California, Berkeley, 2002
Richard Park, Rhetorical Situation and Asian Theology for Transformational
Preaching, The Academy of Homiletic Annual Conference, West Palm
Beach, 2006
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Registrado: Dom Sep 27, 2009 6:59 am

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