Christian Invention -How to find what to preach- Dr. Ricardo Park Download :
When preachers prepare sermon, we have question: how can I find what to preach? I like to answer to this question simply and clearly by three answers. First, use questions! Ask questions to the Holy Spirit and the Bible text. There are 6 questions you can use. In the ancient rhetoric they called this method as Topoi. Don’t just wait passively. Actively ask questions to the Holy Spirit or God and Bible Text. And expect to hear from God and Holy Spirit and Bible. God is alive and still speaks to us when we are ready to listen! Amen! What? Why? How? When? Who? Where? These six questions you should use all the time, but I think each sermon has mainly one question and at least two. And you can answer to the question with points or moves. Second, use dialogue! Make dialogue in the triangle of Spirit, Bible and Preacher (congregation). Remember all the time there is dynamic of triangle of Spirit, Text and Preacher. Preacher knows congregation and at the same time knows Spirit. With need and questions from congregation preacher like priest approaches to the Spirit of God expecting answers or something beyond questions. Sometimes God speaks to us with surprise! I believe preaching ministry is ministry of revelation. God speaks to us here and now! I do believe. Do you believe? God speaks to us through Holy Spirit in a small voice sometimes like he spoke to Elija. Preaching should be a process of listening from God through preachers to the questions and needs of congregation. Third, use triangle! Do you remember this triangle of explanation, illustration and application. Aristotle said differently: logos, ethos and pathos. Augustine said differently: to teach, to move and to please. Remember also this triangle: logos(teach as professor/reporter) pathos(please like comedian/poet/storyteller) ethos(move as demonstrator/activist/prophet). When you pray and ask Holy Spirit reading Bible text, try to get these three materials. When you study for preaching try to get these three materials, but like I taught you earlier, I advise you not to go out of your prayer room to study until you finish your first sermon draft using free writing and flower preaching. Through this process you can get what to preach for your sermon!
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