Sermon for Christ the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, San Jose San Francisco Night Ministry, Associate Night Minister Rev. Dr. Richard H. Park, July 29, 2007 http://video.google.com/ and type the sermon title “The Bridge between the Divine and Humanity!” Isaiah 53: 1-7/ Psalm 23 Matthew 25: 31-40 Download :
Thank you for inviting me to share some stories of SF night ministry with you, especially pastor Bea, Randy and all congregations.
Let us pray! Gracious God, full of mercy and full of love, tonight we come to you by serving people both through phone calls and in person. Empower us with wisdom of speech and warmth of love. Encounter us by opening our eyes and ears to see Christ through those we serve tonight. In Jesus’ name, we pray! Amen!
“I have no money! I have
no career! I have no partner! I have no home! I was smart and successful then, but now I
am fat, ugly, deaf, can’t see. And I am tired!” “I don’t
love myself! I hate me! I am a loser! I am a Fuck up!” “I don’t
know how the guy who jumped was at the lowest of the low in his life.” “She was just at the end
of her rope!” “He ended up as homeless
at the street of before he jumped from the bridge!” After all these last words they jumped from the bridge. This is from the movie, “The bridge!”
featuring As a night minister I met Thomas one night who came
from Thomas said he
just came out of He told me that he
eats out of garbage cans near the Business district everyday around One busy Saturday night, I met Jason who is 39 years
old at the Tenderloin. He grew up in a Lutheran church as an illegitimate child.
His mother was conceived him when she was 16. Jason told me that he was
diagnosed with AIDS by the use of Drug when he was a teen. He became a hustler for
6 years started at the age of 13 in Another night I was walking outside the bus depot area.
I met Matthew, who was writing something under the street light as I passed by.
I asked him, what are you writing? Matthew said he is writing science fiction. He
already published short stories on the internet. One can buy or download his
short stories from LuLu.com/mattstohler, titled “Stohler Worlds. He even
showed me some poems he wrote. "There were
Dragons" Matthew was a computer guy from Isaiah
53 says, “He was despised and rejected by men, a man of
sorrows, and familiar with suffering.” We should pay attention to this mystical
identification of the Messiah and suffering humanity. By his being suffered he
identifies himself with us. Messiah is with humanity who suffers, who have
sorrows. On
the other hand, Gospel Matthew writes, “whatever you did for one of the least
of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'” If
Messiah was identified with us who suffer, then, Christ is found in those who
suffer. This is so in two ways. Messiah identifies with humanity who suffers,
yet those who suffer are conversely Christ. I believe this is one of the most
quintessential mysteries in the Scripture! How
does the divine become the humanity who suffers? How does the suffering become
the divine? Christ identifies himself with those who are hungry, who are thirsty,
strange, cold, sick and in prison. Salvation comes not from knowledge of faith
but it comes from action: Give, Invite, Look after and Visit! In this, we can
play the role of God and Christ, or we can experience God and Christ! Also
righteousness does not come from religious practice but it comes from daring to
reach out to the suffering! Episcopal priest Myers who had worked for youth
gangs in Night Ministers work with crisis line counselors in
the office who picks up phone calls for counseling and referral. One night I received
a phone call from an old lady who live in There is one donut shop at There are more
street saints I can add. They are not priest or minister. They are normal
people but they simply follow Jesus; they simply give, invite, look after and
visit those in need and in crisis. Whenever I see them I think there is no big
gap between the saints and the secular. San
Francisco Night Ministry follows this discipleship on behalf of God, and
Christ, and the Church since 1964 when two ministers discovered there was no ministry
after dark--to lighten the darkness and rekindle the hope! The
Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want. Though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for you are with me!
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