Although preaching is the most important ministry, it has been the least taught, studied, and researched. Chrysostom Institute does research, translation, and publishing of scholarly homiletic resource;
it also teaches preaching through intensive seminars online. The Institute offers online preaching consultant to preachers. The Institute has three language staffs, who can work cross-culturally among different continents. Furthermore,
the Institute helps the third world preachers who cannot obtain enough
homiletic training, which often is offered by intensive homiletic
seminars. It also encourages local preachers to organize feedback groups among preachers centered on lectionary. Finally,
the Institute envisions founding College of Preachers in Korea and other
countries that do not yet have College of Preachers for continuation of
education for preachers. Challenging such
serious problem in the preaching ministry gave birth to a world which
envisioned transformation of preachers to be progressive Biblical
preachers with justice, mercy, forgiveness, the love of the cross, and
the fire of the Spirit.
We invite you to join this awesome ministry with your prayers! Thank you!
Founder: Dr. Richard H. Park
ThB/MDiv/ThM : Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary
Graduate Study : Seoul National University, Boston University
and Dallas Theological Seminary MA/PhD : Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley Professional History:
Korean Army Chaplain
Youth Pastor(Macheon/Somang Church)
Mission Organization Staff(Worship & Praise)
Lecturer (Presbyterian College and Daejeon Presbyterian Seminary)
Associate Pastor(Palisades Church), Senior Pastor(San Jose United Church)
Assistant Professor of Homiletics (Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary)
Associate Night Minister(San Francisco Night Ministry)
Founder (Chrysostom Homiletic Institute)
Professor/Dean for Graduate School (Mexico Presbyterian Seminary) Selected Publications:
Organic Homiletic: Samuel T. Coleridge, Henry G. Davis and the New Homiletic
America University
Studies, Series VII, Theology and Religion, No.251
New York: Peter Lang
Publishing, 2006 Rhetorical Situation and Aisan Theology for Transformational Preaching
Academy of Homiletic Annual Conference
West Palm Beach, Florida, 2006 Invitational Rhetoric of Feminism, Academy of Homiletic Annual Conference,
Williamsburg, Virginia, 2005 Invitational Rhetoric and Theology of Preaching
Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, Ph.D seminar, 2004 Revisiting the New Homiletic with Kierkeggard and Peter Elbow
Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, Ph.D seminar, 2004
Language and Truth: Dialogue in the New Homileticsm (MA Thesis)
Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley, 2003 The Problem of Allegory in Origen
Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, PhD seminar, 2003 Cicero and Augustine: De Doctrina Christiana IV
University of California, Berkeley, PhD seminar, 2002 Augustine's Homiletic on De Doctrina Christiana IV (ThM Thesis)
Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary, Seoul, 1995
